New Customer Acquisition Funnel Tutorial with Resources

Customer acquisition is a technique of bringing new clients or customers to your business. The professionals in this platform use some special methods to acquire customers who will take an action. The objective is to create sustainable and systematic strategies to get new customers and increase revenue for the company. This way, customer acquisition seems like marketing, where you are searching for ways to publicize your brand and get in touch with more customers. But it’s not the same: While marketing is for building better brand awareness, the acquisition is for receiving the action.

For instance, if you are running a Facebook ad to attract more customers, you will get help from metrics to see if your work is getting better results in the ways of shares, comments, and likes. Whereas, the acquisition is when the customers click on the ads or have received your emails. After that, you need to see if they make the buying decision. This is called customer acquisition. To make it simple, marketing brings recognition and acquisition gives revenues. To know more let’s take a look at the below discussion.


In the business platform, professionals see the journey of a customer with a funnel or a graphic similar to it that features the steps of the purchasing system and the mindset of the buyer as well. As a customer move ahead in the funnel to finally purchase the product, they start to gain,

* Awareness of your brand
* Add the item of your company into consideration
* Decide to become a buyer of your services or products

To put it simply, lead generation mostly happens at the top of the funnel, lead acquisition happens at the middle, and conversation takes place at the bottom.


This is a process of marketing your products to target customers. Usually, it requires collaboration between the customer service and the marketing team. Acquisition marketing is not the same as marketing, because it mainly targets the consumers who are aware of your brand and want to make a purchasing decision.


The channels for acquisition and the channels through which you can attract customers to your business. Once you have posted the ad, it will drive leads, readers, and fans. Choosing the best channels for your business will depend on the resources, audiences, and entire strategy. Customer acquisition can be divided into sections such as, free and paid, outbound, and inbound. Let’s look at some common methods of customer acquisition using some tools.

* CONTENT MARKETING: This is an effective customer acquisition technique for most businesses. If you can create unique, relevant, and exciting content about your products, it will effectively bring customers to your business doorstep. Also, the world is filled with scams, and frauds, where customers can barely trust the sellers, here content marketing is giving a hand to the buyers by saying, they understand what the customers feel about purchasing things, and they just want to share their experiences with them for free. On the platform of content marketing, there’s no right or wrong type.

* BLOGGING: This is a highly recommended method for customer acquisition for all types of audiences and sizes of businesses. When you have a blog, it will allow you to go through different subjects, it will also broaden your knowledge about the business industry and you will be able to build authority among the readers. Blogging also allows you to engage with different types of customers, whether they have bookmarked it for a later read, had made a comment, or have clicked on the call to action link.

* CONTENT OFFERS: Guides, and ebooks are the type of offers that you can make with your content. These are mostly provided for free, but through these, you can engage with the customers. For example, if you have created content about plant seeds and you want a good email list. For this task, you can offer a free ebook to the readers and if they want to grab the material they have to sign up with their email. Once a customer enters the email and gets the book you get the link in your list. After this, you can get in touch with them through, email, or social media.

Thus, content offers are essential to customer acquisition as they can help you get more and better leads using your content or blog marketing strategy.

* VIDEO: Video is another method of customer acquisition, and it’s hard to produce, but with good quality cameras and several freelancers available in the market, video creation isn’t that tough anymore. This type of content creation is a part of a bigger strategy, and it’s only about quality. Video production isn’t only constricted to videos, but animation, production, editing, and writing. All of these works can be done through production agencies or a freelancer.

Additionally, video is the most expensive type of content, so you need to store the best video and content ideas.

* SOCIAL MEDIA: marketing through social media includes two techniques, paid and organic. Organic is most useful where you can lead naturally. Your target audiences will share, like, and give comments to your blogs, articles, or ads if they like them. On the other hand, paid marketing is you buy the ads to get likes and shares from the target audiences.

* SEARCH MARKETING: similar to social media, there are two sides to search marketing, organic and paid. Organic search is search engine optimization or SEO. SEO is social media means you need to work after a content, optimize it and then post the same on the platform you have selected. After that, the likes and shares you will get will reflect on Google search pages. To put it simply, if you have searched for something on Google, you will click on the first link. This is the purpose of SEO; it will bring your company or brand name to the first page of the search engine.

* EMAIL MARKETING: Email marketing is possible using an email list. If you have gathered some information about your clients and customers you need an email list to create better customer acquisition. Email is a simple way to connect with your potential customers, whether by sending valuable promotions or a happy birthday email. But the things you send aren’t email marketing, you need to monitor the behavior of the consumer.

For instance, if you have received a new subscriber that means they are interested in your services or products. Few clicks on the links on your website from the subscriber will be enough to tell what the customer is mostly intrigued about. Moreover, if the customer has unsubscribed from all services will also tell you how they have viewed the contents and the emails you have shared.


Customer acquisition can happen in many ways, you just have to choose the relevant methods. Take a look at this article to know more about the customer acquisition funnel and the ways you can broaden your reach to the target customers.